Canapés are small appetizers traditionally served at parties and events. The toppings for these appetizers are usually savory; However, some people like to experiment with sweet flavours. The concept behind canapés is to allow your guests to mingle, with a drink in their hands while enjoying the snacks.

The word canapé is French, and is thought to represent the wrapping of the first layer on the base. The base of the appetizer is usually some form of bread or cracker, which can be lightly toasted for the perfect snack. When deciding what to serve as an appetizer, you need to consider the size of the appetizer you want to serve.

Geometric shapes are incredibly popular. This can help you when you need to serve appetizers. You will be able to quickly identify what each layer includes. Deciding on canapé toppings can seem daunting. However, if you keep it classic, you’ll make the perfect appetizer.

Kanabi topping ideas

You need to make sure that you think carefully about the type of toppings you will use for your entrees, and make sure that they can fit snugly on the base. Many people like to use a thin layer of a dairy spread, such as flavored butter. This will help keep the first layer in place, and ensure your little snack will remain attractive.

When considering the question of appetizers, you may want to research the popular toppings used. Meat, fish, cheese, and vegetables are popular additions, which will provide excellent flavours. Once your main focal point is in place, the canapes need to be decorated. This will ensure that your appetizers are full of flavor and decoration.

Attractive starters

Popular garnishes include caviar, scallions, flavored oils, herbs, and truffles. You want to make sure that the flavor you create is incredible, and that your guests want to try more of your great appetizer. The signature flavors most commonly used are salty and spicy, to complement the drinks you are serving.

Many people, when looking for appetizers, often discover that they can be served hot or cold, depending on the style of the topping. If you are thinking of serving the appetizer hot, you may want to put it on a small plate. There are several unique ways to serve appetizers, and experimenting with different options for both flavors and serving methods can be a lot of fun.