The psychology of inspiration

Why inspiration itself is a creative process and depends on mental guidance We know that inspiration is at the heart of any creative endeavor. When you're creating a piece of art or poetry, or coming up with a new scientific theory, you need inspiration. Even simple creative activities like cooking or making love require some..

Delicious food with Felicity Felicity

*felicacy paper*Delicious food with Felicity FelicityThe moment we think, watch, or read about culinary activities and practices (particularly with food or cooking), there is a mouth-watering effect on our minds.Let's start with a small study of culinary vocabulary to understand what is the depth, breadth and importance of cooking food. And of course we are..


When I refer to "fire" in my title, I'm talking about the spark of inspiration that actually turns fans into a flame of energy that really gets things done, not a literal fire that burns things or cooks food. Also, "fire" refers to what makes us go in our lives. So, when I think of..

Saturday is perfectly organized

I bet you know the women who make chappos in one of two ways. There are women who have a set schedule and their routine is like clockwork. Sunday is challah and chicken day. Monday is baking day. Tuesday is Grocery Shopping Day and Koogl's Day. Wednesday is fish and chicken soup day. On Friday,..

Healthy snack – almonds with raisins

Here's a really easy way to make a travel snack that you can take with you anywhere. Even better, they don't require refrigeration, so you don't have to worry about keeping them stocked in the fridge or lunch bag with an ice pack like yogurt or cheese snacks.Alternatively, you can simply place this delicious mix..
