If you’re not used to eating the simpler foods offered on the South Beach approved list of foods, it can be very difficult to start cooking with them. This is why so many people have embraced the cookbook that was released specifically to help people create South Beach Diet meals from those menus.

However, you don’t have to sit back and sigh in resignation because you will starve to death. With a little thought, you can make meals very similar to what you are already used to eating.

While there are some things you can’t eat on a healthy plan, that doesn’t mean you can’t replace them with delicious alternatives that will be just as satisfying. For example, instead of a huge, fat-packed cheeseburger, you could opt for a turkey burger. If you’ve made it to the second stage, it can be put on a wholegrain bun with spices.

Don’t view food lists as restrictions and don’t think of simple combinations of the basic foods listed. Use the lists for inspiration to see what unique combinations of these foods can be created. You should eat complete meals that satisfy your hunger and mental satiety.

Let’s look at some ideas for creating fully approved South Beach diet meals inspired by unapproved sources of inspiration.

Craving mashed potatoes with meat and vegetables? Simply mash up cauliflower for a close stir-fry that mimics the basic consistency and taste of this old favorite. You can add some low-fat cheese to add more taste as well.

Once you reach the second stage, your options expand exponentially. Try baking chicken breast in whole-grain breadcrumbs and egg yolk for a delicious “fried” chicken sandwich.

South Beach Diet meals may take some thought at first, but you can get some great ideas from other followers with the large number of unique recipes posted online every day.